Dedication to education - Ten portraits of inspired teachers in higher education

Het ComeniusNetwerk 01-07-2022
967 keer bekeken 1 reacties

For all teachers, educational professionals, be inspired by the diversity of teaching careers with this book ‘Dedication to education - Ten portraits of inspired teachers in higher education‘.

These personal stories give you a glimpse into the dynamic and diversified motivations of ten educational professionals in higher education. Let these stories inspire you to think seriously about your own teaching. The shared stories provide you with practical suggestions to further enrich and reinforce your own teaching career. Most of all, that they inspire you to start sharing your own stories: with the ComeniusNetwerk, with students, with colleagues, or with managers. Exchanging such positive stories helps concretizing aspects of the recognition and rewards movement currently taking shape. We hope that this lead to more dedication to teaching.

Ten portraits of inspired teachers in higher education

  1. For Jolien, education and research are closely intertwined, Jolien Mouw, assistant professor
  2. Marike excels at driving educational innovationMarike Lammers, manager of the Education Innovation Hub
  3. Stijn sees higher education as a candy store, Stijn Bollinger, senior lecturer and senior researcher
  4. Sylvia wants to give students what she never had, Sylvia Bronkhorst, responsible for the Learning with Head, Heart & Hands programme
  5. Anique started pioneering way back when she was a student, Anique de Bruin, professor of SelfRegulation in Higher Education and assistant director of the School of Health Professions Education
  6. Constant demanded more teaching time (and hopes it won’t hurt his career), Constant Swinkels, doctoral candidate
  7. Marian has a passion for education, but teaching isn’t her calling, Marian Kat – de Jong, senior policy director
  8. Youssef’s law: education plus personal passion lights a flame, Youssef El Bouhassani, lecturer and entrepreneur
  9. For Ilja, learning is the most fun thing there is,  Ilja Boor, senior interdiciplinair curriculum developer
  10. Annoesjka sets the tone with her career in education, Annoesjka Cabo, director of Education in the faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mathematics and Computer Science

This publication was created in collaboration with members of the Duurzaam Docentschap circle of the ComeniusNetwerk, the network for innovators in higher education: Renske Bouwer, Idwer Doosje, Jolien Mouw en Hans Savelberg


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Danielle Rietdijk, TU Delft

05-07-22 om 13:29

Dank voor jullie werk. Het is een prachtig document voor mensen nieuw in een onderwijsrol.

