
Recognition and rewards of education

07-02-2022 2567 keer bekeken


01-07-2022 om 12:30


01-07-2022 om 17:30

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Het Trippenhuis, Kloveniersburgwal 27, 1011 JV Amsterdam

You are invited to join this event on the 1st of July on recognition & rewards of education. ComeniusNetwerk, Universities of the Netherlands (UNL) and the Advancing Teaching Network led by Ruth Graham connect their networks to discuss questions regarding recognition and rewards of teaching.

Register here 

How can universities value education?

Education is central to the role of a university. However, education in universities is often considered to be a chore that takes away time from research. How can we better recognize and reward educational competencies in academia? And how does this relate to career advancement on the basis of teaching prowess? More and more universities aim to implement ‘Recognition & Reward’ policies. But how can we successfully implement this? How can teaching and research be meaningfully balanced? How can we stimulate and support the continuous development of educators beyond existing qualifications? 

You are kindly invited to join this afternoon event on the 1st of July on recognition & rewards of education. ComeniusNetwerk, Universities of the Netherlands (UNL), The Young Academy and the Advancing Teaching Network led by Ruth Graham connect their networks to discuss the most pressing questions regarding recognition and rewards of teaching. In this, the teachers’ perspective is point of departure.

We aim to inspire, learn and discuss best practices & good examples on recognition and rewards of education at universities on a national and international level.



  • 12.30 - Lunch and networking 
  • 13.30 - Introduction and welcome by Calvin Rans and presentation Kim Huijpen (UNL) & Ruth Graham (Advancing Teaching Network)
  • 14.15 - Break
  • 14.30 - Round 1 - subsessions
  • 15.30 - Break 
  • 16.00 - Round 2 - subsession 
  • 17.00 - Drinks


Subsession 1 

Session 1 - Evaluating quality of teaching
Moderator: Remon Rooij (TU Delft) & Romée Noorman (TU Delft) - Hugo de Grootzaal
How can we evaluate the quality of teaching in a meaningful way? What is the quality of teaching? What evidence shows and contributes to the quality of education or development of a teaching professional?

Session 2 - International examples
Moderators: Emily Miller (Association of American Universities), Wan Zuhainis Saad  (Director Academic Excellence Division, Ministry of Higher Education Malaysia) - Tinbergenzaal  
What are good examples and policies on recognition & rewards beyond Dutch academia that are an inspiration?

Session 3 - What are drivers of teachers/educational innovators?
Moderators: Hans Savelberg (Maastricht University), Jolien Mouw (University of Groningen), Renske Bouwer (Utrecht University) - Johan Huizingazaal 
What can we learn from the motivations and drives of the pioneers who succeed in building an educational career? ComeniusNetwerk members conducted a survey among teachers about their aspirations and teacher identity. They present results and open the discussion.

Subsession 2 

Session 4 -  Debate on the balance between education and research
Moderators: Hilde Verbeek (Maastricht University) en Klaasjan Visscher (University of Twente) - Tinbergenzaal 
Debate on the recognition of education besides research. How to balance? And what best practices are promising?

Session 5 - Beyond the University Teaching Qualification (UTQ): Envisioning continuing professional development for teaching staff
Moderators: Jaap Mulder (University of Groningen) & Margje van de Wiel (Maastricht University) - Hugo de Grootzaal
Since 2008, we have in Dutch academia a qualification trajectory for university teachers to develop their teaching competences. The UTQ is the starting point for further professional development. What new steps can universities take to promote the continuous development of teaching staff? How can opportunities for development contribute to recognition and rewards of teaching?

Session 6 - Awards & Grants
Moderators: Andrea Kottmann (University of Twente) & Sabine Uijl (Utrecht University) - Johan Huizingazaal 
The Comenius Programme and The Dutch Higher Education Awards are instruments on national level to stimulate and recognize educational development. What should be done to strengthen the effects of this program on careers? 



