
ComeniusFestival Morning Workout

18-02-2021 175 keer bekeken


03-03-2021 om 10:00


03-03-2021 om 10:30

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Practice You; Well-being at the heart of hospitality met presentatie van Festivalmakers: Yasemin Oruc, Jenny Sok

Sharing the main findings and learnings around the Comenius Teaching Fellow project. The main goal is to inspire others and share a different approach towards an educational innovation. A bottom-up approach has been applied and the project has been for a large part student driven.

'Practice You; Well-Being at heart of hospitality' is a project part of the Comenius Teaching Fellow project around the theme of Student Well-Being. “Welcome at the heart of hospitality where we create hospitable futures together”. This is the purpose of Hotelschool The Hague (HTH). To be able to create an authentic hospitality experience one has to be fully present and aware, as it shows that; increases learning, supports higher satisfaction and greater understanding (Moscardo, 1996). In the current fast paced society where we have approximately 60.000 thoughts a day, we need to train ourselves to pay attention (Davis, 2013). Having students as one of our main stakeholders they experience many impulses to deal with. In order to improve their overall state of mind as student and as future leader we have the duty to make them more aware of their own and others' well-being. Various well-being programs in education already exist. However, pitfall of many of these programs is missing academic underpinning, integration in actual curriculum, frequent offering and combination of four focus areas: authentic happiness, competency, social- and emotional skills (Schonert-Reichl & Stewart Lawlor, 2010; Santos, 1997). HTH currently offers a Mindfulness course as extra-curricular activity. Which in itself is a beneficial service offered. However, to ensure it really makes a difference in the student journey, adds value to the hospitality industry and finally achieves overall happiness, a ground-breaking shift has to be made. The project “Practice You: Well-being at the heart of hospitality” will be the answer. Foundation for the project is positive psychology, the growth-mind set philosophy supporting students to understand how to turn obstacles into challenges , with as ultimate goal building on their resilience (Dweck, 2017; Stoltz, 1997).

Festivalmakers: Yasemin Oruc, Jenny Sok
Date: 3 March 10:00 – 10:30
Language: English

ComeniusFestival programma

